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Denise Silber Intervenante Université de la e-Santé 2023

Denise Silber

Founder of Basil Strategies and Doctors 2.0 & You, and Co-Founder of “VRforHealth”


Interventions en sessions


Founder of Basil Strategies, a company specialised in digital-health communication, creators of the event-management brand Doctors 2.0, and co-founder of VRforHealth, an information platform on the therapeutic uses of virtual reality, Denise Silber fosters the dissemination of innovative digital tools and patient engagement through her expertise in communication and event management.

Through Basil Strategies, she hosts and advises on digital health events and start-up contests, and is a speaker and author. Through VRforHealth, Denise Silber and her team create content and partnerships to promote virtual reality use cases (pain management and anxiety , physical rehabilitation).

As a pioneer in digital health and patient engagement, Denise Silber has participated in more than 200 events on several continents and examined hundreds of start-up business plans. She has also written widely-cited publications for the European Commission, Institut Montaigne and Editions Edimark, interviewed hundreds of innovators, and served on numerous juries and commissions. She is an international opinion leader and one of the top 10 most influential social media players in digital health.

In 2011, Denise Silber was awarded the French Légion d’Honneur. In 2018, she was nominated as one of the Inspiring Fifty women role models in the tech sector. Since 2021, she has been Vice-President of the Fédération Nationale de l’Information Médicale (FNIM). In 2022, she was appointed “Digital Ambassador” by the European Commission. With an MBA from Harvard, she hosts podcasts for Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs and events for the Harvard Club of France.