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Léa LEESER Intervenante Université de la e-Santé 2023

Lea Leeser

Research assistant and Teaching assistant at Faculty of Health care, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences


Interventions in sessions



10/2018-10/2020 Master Studies at Hochschule Niederrhein

University of applied sciences

M.Sc. Health Care

Research Experience

Since 07/2020 Research assistant at Faculty of health care, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

  • Project ENQuIRE
  • Project Real-World Evidence of Wilson
  • Scientific presentations and participation in international conferences in the field of process manage-ment, medical informatics and mental workload in health care
  • Competence centre routine data

Teaching Experience

Since 07/2020 Teaching assistant at faculty of health care, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld

  • Courses

▪ Statistics (IBM SPSS)

▪ Good scientific practice

▪ Mathematics in economics

▪ Management practice in the healthcare sector

▪ Health Care research: Secondary Data



Leeser, L., Neukirch, B., Drösler, S.E. (2022). Regional and gender variations in appendicectomy. Chi-rurgie 93, 884–891. doi: 10.1007/s00104-022-01628-5

Leeser, L., Drösler, S. (2021). Analysis of regional and gender-specific differences in appendectomies at the small-group level in Germany in the period from 2014 to 2018 (Science Pitch )

Kremer, L., Gutu, R., Leeser, L., Breil, B., Spitzhirn M., Lux T. (2021). Virtual Process Simulation in Health Care: Potentials and Challenges 2021 IEEE/ACS 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 1-8, doi: 10.1109/AICCSA53542.2021.9686871

Kremer, L., Leeser, L., Breil, B. (2019). Mental Workload Relating Health Information System – A Literature Review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 267:289–296. doi:10.3233/SHTI190840